Thursday, September 13, 2007

That's Thursday

We had another round of Chair Aerobics today, and next week we will try Workout 2, to learn more exercises we can do in our chairs. Then it will be up to the students to create a Chair Aerobics routine, and bring in their own music for us to move to the beat of.

We did shared reading of Tuck Everlasting, chapters 3 and 4, during which we focussed on the dark/evil/mysterious description of the stranger who came to the Foster's Gate and started talking to Winnie. We also discussed how authors sometimes have their characters speak to an animal or inanimate object, which cannot answer back, yet the character has an entire conversation with it. This lets the reader hear and understand the thoughts and feelings that character has, which they may not be expressing to other characters in the book. This lets the reader know something that the other characters don't.

We did a lot of work focussing on different genres of literature today. Students were put into pairs, with each pair reviewing one type of genre:
Historical Fiction
Myths & Legends
Folk Tales, Fairy Tales, Fables, Tall Tales
Science Fiction
Realistic Fiction
We explored our classroom library, and re-organized misplaced titles, so we can now more easily find books based on their genres.

In Math, the Grade 5 students went over their homework with me, and began their Patterning mid-unit review. They will have a short quiz tomorrow. The Grade 6 students took-up their homework with me, then they completed some assigned workbook questions in class and we examined the questions that gave them some difficulty, in more depth.

Art class ended our day, and we continued our work with literature genres. The students worked in their pairs, designing eye-catching and informative posters about their genre. These finished posters will be presented to the class next week and the presentations will include students choosing some books from our classroom library to provide examples of that genre to the rest of the class.

Homework Assigned Thursday September 13, 2007:
Grade 5
-Read 20 minutes, update reading log
-Spelling Unit 1 due tomorrow, and Spelling test tomorrow
-Math Review Textbook page 10 - Short Quiz tomorrow!
-Science experiment (Glue) finished by next Tuesday

Grade 6
-Read 20 minutes, update reading log
-Spelling Unit 1 due tomorrow, and Spelling test tomorrow
-Science experiment (Aerodynamics) finished by next Tuesday

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