We continued reading chapter 9 of Tuck Everlasting, and had a class discussion to reflect on what had happened in this novel so far, and make predictions about what each of the characters will do next. Grade 5 students also had some Writing Workshop time today.
In Math, Grade 5 students began their unit on Numeration, with a new lesson and textbook problems. We reviewed the use of Place Value Charts (breaking whole numbers down into which digit goes in the Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten-thousands, and Hundred-thousands columns of the chart). We also reviewed writing whole numbers in Expanded Form
(e.g. 7423 = 7000 + 400 + 20 +3). Grade 6 students continued their Patterning unit, with a lesson on Equal Expressions (e.g. 4 + 5 = 1 + 8, in other words 9 = 9).
During Social Studies, students got back into their political party groups, and began writing the main facts they found about their party onto chart paper. Any information that was missing, needs to be found by each group for homework, as we will be comparing the 9 political parties tomorrow. The information needed is:
Party Name & Logo
Name of Party's Provincial Leader (not Federal)
Number of candidates running in October 10th Provincial election
Party priorities
Party platform / main issues
Links to the politcal parties' websites can be found online at http://www.elections.on.ca/

A letter was sent home today regarding Vradenburg's Annual Terry Fox Walk this Thursday afternoon. Students are asked to donate a Toonie for Terry this Thursday, to help raise money for the school to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation. This is a very good cause, and if every student and staff member at Vradenburg donates $2.00, we are hoping to raise $800.00 in total. WE CAN DO IT! Parents are also encouraged to come out and join us in our walk, so if you can make it, we would love to see you there!
Homework Assigned Tuesday September 25, 2007:
Grade 5
-Read 20 minutes, update log
-Spelling Unit 3 due Thursday, Spelling Test Thursday
-Reading Response Journal entry due Monday
-Math Textbook page 25, #1-4
-Problem of the Week due Thursday
-Find missing political party info
Grade 6
-Read 20 minutes, update log
-Spelling Unit 3 due Thursday, Spelling Test Thursday
-Math Workbook page 7, #1-3
-Problem of the Week due Thursday
-Find missing political party info
REMINDER: This FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 2007 is a PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY, so students do not come to school this day.
Grade 5
-Read 20 minutes, update log
-Spelling Unit 3 due Thursday, Spelling Test Thursday
-Reading Response Journal entry due Monday
-Math Textbook page 25, #1-4
-Problem of the Week due Thursday
-Find missing political party info
Grade 6
-Read 20 minutes, update log
-Spelling Unit 3 due Thursday, Spelling Test Thursday
-Math Workbook page 7, #1-3
-Problem of the Week due Thursday
-Find missing political party info
REMINDER: This FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 2007 is a PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY, so students do not come to school this day.
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