Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
1. Make up questions you have about the poem you just read, and type them as a new comment.
2. Notice how much more descriptive Robert Frost's poem is, than the one about the Red Wheelbarrow from the last blog. Find the "So Much Depends Upon" poem you added as a comment in the previous blog, and re-write it in your new comment, including more detail about WHY so much depends on the thing you wrote about. INCLUDE YOUR NAME AT THE END BEFORE SUBMITTING!
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
1. Make up questions you have about the poem you just read, and type them as a new comment.
2. Notice how much more descriptive Robert Frost's poem is, than the one about the Red Wheelbarrow from the last blog. Find the "So Much Depends Upon" poem you added as a comment in the previous blog, and re-write it in your new comment, including more detail about WHY so much depends on the thing you wrote about. INCLUDE YOUR NAME AT THE END BEFORE SUBMITTING!
What is up with
the snowy woods
poem today?
Why doesn't the person just
keep going if he's got
so many miles to go
before he sleeps?
And why do I have to tell more
about the blue car
splattered with mud
speeding down the road?
I don't want to
write about that blue car
that had miles to go
before it slept,
so many miles to go
in such a hurry.
Room 105-Miss Stretchberry
1. Why does he have to go many miles before he sleeps ?
why is the horse little? Why doesen't he just get a car so he can go faster?
How did he know whose woods it is?
Why do u stop at the tree?
Why don't you go ealier so it won't be dark when you arrive?
1. Why is this person traveling while he's trying to sleeping?
2. What happened to the horse and where is it now?
3. Why did he write the first sentance and whats hte point of it when he already knows. Also why is there not a question mark for the sentance.
4. Why is there a bell in the woods and why is he in the woods anyway?
1. Where is he going? And what promises does he have to keep if he has to go through the woods at night? Why does he have to go on for miles,he should rest for a while,because then his brain will be refreshed and he can keep going.
1. What kind of promises could this person have? How is he going to fulfil these promises by going into the woods? Where could he be going on that horse?
#1 Why did Robert Frost rhyme in his poem?
Why did Robert decide to write about a farm or country side?
Why are the words in his poem not regular? For example " whose woods these are" That doesn't make sense it should be who lives in these woods.
What do you mean that you have promises to keep(what type of promises) and that you have to go so far just to sleep?
Why could you just not sleep there and go later?
Where do you actually want to go?
Why do you want to go in to the woods to fulfull those promises?
Why would he go riding his horse in the darkest evening of the year?
What kind of promises does he have to keep?
1.why is he riding a horse at the darkest evening of the year?
why is he stopping if he has so many miles to go?
The Pencil
So much depends
an orange,sharp,staples
scratching across the blanc white
leaving tiny scrapes of
led behind.
2.my oringinal poem,
So much depends
groups of digging
eaten by flying
in the busy
My revised poem ,
So much depends
handfuls of digging
feasted by gliding
among the crowded
Lot's of things depend on worms because they're are viewed as disgusting but they're are vital towards our survival .
Without the worms , the birds and other things will die of hunger and so the birds will be extinct.
Worms eat grass so the grass with overpopulate and cows will also overpopulate and eventually all the cows ate all the food and dies.
Other herbivores will also overpopulate so they will all be extinct with grass , birds and us!
We would have no food left!!!!
If you don't know where you are why would you keep going?
Why would you trespass on someone else's property?
If you don't feed your horse it'll get slower and slower and wouldn't you be stuck in the cold for a longer amount of time?
Why would you ask who's woods your in?And if you don't know, shouldn't you get out?
So much depnds on
the shiny PS3
dressed in a black coat
the smoke in jamed entertainment
So much depends
The wet rain that rains down in the pouring night
To be drank by a person to live or suvive
And to be there when
it's needed
2.So much depends
on the redest fire
loading the coldest
leaving vast tracks on
from Jay
Why he go so many miles to go before he sleeps?
How he know house is in the village?
What is the promises he keep?
why does the the charcter use a horse and not his own feet?
If he knows who owns the woods than why doen't he just tell us?
Yang man
So much depends
a brown house
painted with colour insde
with living people.
revised poem,
So much depends
a brown house splattered with mud dirtand old paint
painted with colour inside like a beatiful rainbow but too much dirt
with living people being sheltered
The Knife
so much depends upon
A black cutting knife
Giving people a simple life
slicing all the food
cutting cucumbers with a dive
fixing a cooks mood,
preparing a dish thats good
2.My Bicycle
so much depends
a speeding bicycle
going down the
colours whizzing and
flashing by
riding it on hot
summer days after
pedaling faster and
harder each time
the cool air
in my face
and hair
The Bike
so much depends
a orange,speedy,greasy,humongus
sprayed with black,slimy,gooey,
speeding down the steep,bumpy,black,paved
#2 so much depends
an intelligent,elegant
making the narative
writing and writing
what should be
by SpIrOo again
Why on earth do we need to know whose woods these are in the begining of the poem ? If the poem is about the owner's woods then shouldn't the title be like THE OWNER'S WOODS,not only that but shouldn't the fisrt verse or the first sentence should be important ? To me the first verse doesn't seem important.An second of all why would somone ride a horse in the dark woods ?Don't they know thats usualy a warning signal saying "somethings bad going to happen, and if you don't get out you'll be sorry", Come on, didn't the writer give this person a brain!
Why on earth would we want to know who these woods belong ? If the poem is about the wood's owner then shouldn't the title be The WOODS OWNER,instead of STOPPING BY THE WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING ? And besides, don't the first verse or sentence tell you about the poem or story ? Not only that, but why would the person walk in the woods when its dark ? Come on, most of the time when you walk through the dark woods,its like a warning signal saying "don't come here,go back or you'll be sorry!"Didn't the writer or poet give this person a brain!
So much depends
the hot sun
showing its brightness to everyone
and shining in our faces.
So much depends
the fire blazing sun
mysteriously appearing its uphold beauty to all living creatures and organisims
and showering us with sparks of lava towards our awwed faces,as if it were more valuable then life itself.
I chose to do the sun because without the sun there would be no life, and if there was no life there would be not one single human on earth.The sun is a major part of our life and is also at the top of every food chain,because we rely on the sun to provide us heat ,light and food.With the sun and its help from its cousins (the stars)we were able to have and build civilization.So the sun is like our God or chief (litteraly speakin of course)would the natives say,but I think we all agree we people of today would like to call the sun a resource.So all in one,THE SUN RULES!!!!
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