If YOU were a Canadian athlete, and had trained your whole life for your chance to compete in the Olympics, would you support a Canadian boycott of the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing, China? Explain.
If YOU were a Canadian athlete, and had trained your whole life for your chance to compete in the Olympics, would you support a Canadian boycott of the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing, China? Explain.
Post your one paragraph long answer in a new comment. Remember to type your first name at the bottom of your comment before submitting.
I am not sure, maybe yes, maybe no... hopefully Mr. Wood's students will help me decide.
Stephen Harper
I would not boycott the olympics because all the training would be wasted. Also this situation would probubly be over by the time the Olympics start. Lastly the Olympics our suppost to unite the contries in a compotition to see who the best athletes our. So I don't think this is something to worry about.
No because you would want to win that medal.I would waste a lot of money just to train myself so i would not support it at all.Also it is Tibets and Chinas problem, we should not interfere, because it isn't like we are a part of China so why should we even bother.Also that they should have a prime ministers vote, with the athletes so it would be fair.
Well I'd be so disappointed. Think about your entire life purpose is blown in 1 day. I'd be heart broken. Everyone wants to represent their country some how and when you get the chance but you lose it . . . Its just bad.
LeBron (rahul)
If I were an athelet say a baseball player and I never been to a olympics . I worked for my whole life . I would still boycott the olympics because there is more important things than olympics for example the Tibet things . We just don't get to compete , I still have Major League Baseball but Tibet people might only have this chance to be free . So i would support this .
I think this is a hard one. I think I wouldn't and would support the boycott. If I were an athelete, I would be really upset and want to compete in the olympics, but on the other hand, I think I should support the boycott. I want to care about the people in Tibet too. Supporting the boycott may convince the Chinese goverment. He might decide to let the Tibetians go free and be their own unique country. If I were an athelete I would be upset because I can't compete, but I think I would feel better suporting the boycott. Sometimes you can't just care about yourself, you have to help others. If you don't help others they will not help you, hopefully Tibet will be it's own country and it will have a democratic goverment.
I think I would have a hard time chosing one, because if I did support Canada in boycotting my whole life of training to be in the olympics would be a wast. But if I didn't support Canada and went to China, to join the olympics, Canada and the other countries that want to boycott the beijing olypics would think I betrayed them, because I went to the Beijing's 2008 olympics. but if I did make up my mind I think I would pick I would support Canada to boycott the Beijing olympics, because if all the countries did boycott the beijing olympics, the chinese goverment would have to free Tibet to be it's own country, and also I still have another chance because there is another olympic in Vancouver 2010 olympics so I still have 2 more years to train.
What do think!?! Obviously if I spent my whole life trainning just for the Olympics I would want to participate in this years Olympics. I would be devistated if I hear that Canada's going to boycott it.
I would be pretty mad if I trained for the olympics and it was cancelled. That's like packing all your bags and heading to the airport and the flight being cancelled. It's like going to school when it's cancelled.
Anyway...I would rather stab myself than support the boycott and I would be pretty angry (Maybe even move to a different country)....
Atom Bomb(Adam)
NO!!!!!Because I have waited 4 years to play in the games and now I don't get to!That really hurts my feelings Because now I have to wait 4 more years until I play again who knows,we might have to boycott again.
I would not support the boycott because if I trained my whole life I would be looking forword to the summer games. . I would be a very unhappy person. if I trained i would have maybe wasted family time ect. When i was training i could of been doing other things.The only way that I would boycott is if all of my fellow athletes decided not to go. JOSHUA.B
I will not boycott China becuase i wants to compete the Olympics it is the only chance to goto the Olympics and have some fun in the Olympics but if you want to stop me that never ganna happend because that's my only chance to go to the Olympic so I don't want to boycott China!
I would not support the boycott situation because i've trained my whole life just for this one moment.If you think I would give it all away because china is making a big mistake then you are messing with the wrong athlete.My whole family would be watching me on national television not just my family the whole world.I don't know any athlete who would make this ridiculous choice.My other arguement about the boycott problem is that if you were such a good athlete for example in swiming then you would want to go for gold like everyone else.SpIrOo
I'm not going to boycott China because I want to compete the Olympics,and this is my only chance,and I think Olympics might be have fun!So I don't want to boycott China!
If I were a athlet and Canada boycotted the olympics, I would kill the prime minister. Normal people probobly had no idea how hard these athlets train. It's the ultimate prize for the athlets to be in the olympics. it will be a dream shattered. For some athlets, this year is their last year, and they would retire after, and if Canada boycotted, it won't be a memorable last year being a athlet.
No I wouldn't boycott,because I would have trained my whole life and all that hard work for nothing. If I boycott I'll miss the chance to show how much I trained for it. I can't participate and have fun and try to win medals and trophies to be proud of myself.
If I were that athlete, I would feel very uncomfortable because there are both bad and good things about choosing each option. Anyway,like I was saying I'd choose to go,because no one would get mad,right? Its not their decision but the athlete's. Maybe if the Canadian athletes went to the olympics, they could try to persuade China.Thats what I'd do.
I wouldn't because if I trained all my life and then boycott it because where the olymics are holded and possible ruin my chance and I would not want to prove it. Also I might not boycott because it is really none of Canada's buisness to get into the fight between China and Tibet. But mabye I would because Canada is my home and I might go with it because I am loyal to my country. Also if I don't and Canada can still compeat I might lose my chance as well if i did. So it is 50-50 because I want to compeat and prove my self but i can't if the country doesn't let me.
yes becausee this person gave there whole life just to get canceled out, this is a discrace!!!!!!!!!!!
If I were a Canaidian athlete I would be really mad and fustrated if the games wee boycott. I practice my whole life and end up no where. I think I deserve to see me on t.v. Any way I would be mad.
If I was a athlele and was training my whole life and finally got the chance to be in the olympics in Beijing I would not support a canadian boycott. For one thing it would be a waste of time training for so long.
If I were an athlete that has been training my whole life for the olympics I would be pulled in two dirrections because tibet deserves their democratic rights and china doesn't deserve publicity for it. Also I might go because I'v trained so hard just to go to the olympics.
What are you thinking about if you boycott then you don't have a mind!.!.!.!
I would not support Canada because i wasted alot of time practising and i would not like it if we boycott .
No because I've wasted my life time and money so I get a gold medal, but now they wasted my dream. So this would be a disapointment for all the athletes of Canada.
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