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Hello students of Mr. Wood's Grade 5/6 classroom at Vradenburg PS! This blog spot is now available for you to post your own comments which answer different questions that I will be asking. Your posts should be one paragraph long, with your first name at the bottom. Just click on "comments" at the bottom of my posting to get started.
I love homework! If none is assigned, I ask for it! Homework is way more fun than watching TV or playing videogames! Free time is over-rated!
Hannah Montana
Mr. Wood gives just the right amount of homework for our grade level, but sometimes I wish he didin't.
I've recieved much more homework in grade 4.
I think we would recieve much more and harder homework in grade 7 than any other grade. So please have mercy on us for now.....
I don't like homework because it is a waste of time besides I could do other things like reading or playing.From the beginning of the year to know the homework increased a lot know.we should have about 45 minutes of homework at the most unless we have a project due.Next year in grade 7 we will have loads of homework which won't be fun!!!!!!!!!!
This homework is probably nothing compared to the homework we're going to get in grade 7. Some people from grade 7 are never allowed to playing outside becuase they have to finish there homework (which takes hours to finish). This year is simmilar to grade 5 but I think grade 5 had a little more homework.
This year I think its ok. Very managable and its not overwhelming. I would have to say the most homework I got was in gr4 with Mr.McCrank. Every week it was:reading response, spelling, math, vocabulary, problem of the week, and then an essay on a topic we learned about.
Next year I think I'll die on day 1. I heard the teachers all teach a different subject so they all give you a lot of homework
Shaq (rahul)
I think that the homework mr.Wood gives me and the class is way to much in my opion.But that is my opion that might not be the classes opion.The past years in 5 to grade 1 I think I had just the right amount in reading,speling,math etc.For this year some reason it is way diffrent.Next year in grade 7 their will be so much homework but you can't blame your teacher because the TDSB decides about this situation. SpIrO
I don't like homework . We had to learn for the whole day and when we get home we have to repeat what we learned on a peice of paper for a few hours . Homework should be fun because that's how childern and baby animals learn the fastest. We should have like a video game that educates us . For example , Remebering names of baseball players is very hard . But I play baseball video games on my PC ( Mvp Baseball 2004 demo ) and I remebered all their names after a week . We would have even more homework next year , but maybe different homework like using computers which is fun so I am scared and exited at the same time .
I think the homework Mr.Wood gave us is okay. We could finish it fast and we would have enough time to watch TV and play games. Last year the homework was actually more than this year. I think next year the homework level world pretty much the same because the homework level in the previous grades didn't change dramaticly.
I think it was the right amount of homework because some days there was a lot some days none and others just the right amount that I had enough free time to do my own thing. When I was younger there wasn't as much as this because I was younger, but last year I had a lot that it took me untill 10:00. I think we will have a lot more homework than this year. But I'll have to adjust to how much homework I'll have and have to learn to do it faster.
I think that the homework this year is managable at times but too much at other times. It is a bit more challenging than last year in grade four but overall I thinks its pretty good. I think that next year the homework will require more reasearch and higher expectations for projects. Another thing that might be different is the consiquences if homework isn't completed. This is what I think about homework and how it will change next year
The homework given is really good compared to the homework given in the previous grades I was in.One reason is because in my previous grades I didn't get that much homework but I wouldn't say a got a little bit of homework.But I guess it didn't really improve but im in grade five so it should'nt improve.
This year I think the amount of homework is average because last year it was just a bit less and easery with later dead lines. Last year I had easyer home work with later dead lines and the same average of home work every day. Next year in grade 6 I think the homework would be mostly harder in math since there would be bigger numbers and we might be doing algebra and harder equations. The thing I will most expect are projects getting handed out frequently with closer deadlines.
Over all this year, we had enough homework. If I had to compare this grade to grade 5, I would have to say that I had more homework last year than this year.I think Mr.Wood went easy on us so I'm guessing next year they'll be tougher teachers so we'll probally have more homework.
I think we have to much homework this year. I think this way because sometimes we have a test and then we have a project or some other things fo homework. This is just one thing. Theres also alot of homework everyday and we always have it. Last year we had the the same amount as this year but that was the hardest grade of my life. I think we'll have alot more homework next year because they have alot more subjects and it's a higher grade.
I think that the amount of homework we are getting is enough .We also get time in class so we dont have that much homework.Im not saying that we get to much homework I think we are getting enough for a normal grade six student.Of course we are getting more homework than the previous years because we are older but its enough.Next year is a whole different story I think that I will get loads of homework .
Also that we have to learn the whole entire day and what do we get as a reward... more homework.We got a average amount of homework this year because we get some projects and get school work and home work which is usually a lot. We had more in ms.schwartz class because we had a spider wick project every month and a math test every week. So we had to do a lot of chapter review questions each week. We would probaly get a lot of work like stacks of papers and the math textbook work increases every year.
this year at vradenburg I think the homework I get is very low.
In the sckool in england I think that I get less homework in the sckool I am in now.
I think I am going to get a little more that I have now.
Dear Mr Wood,
This year was a great homework year. When I go home I never complain about the amount of homework. Last year, my old teacher gave as so much homework that I was doing it at 7:00 pm most of the time. This year I have the perfect amount of homework. Next year in grade 6 I better be prepared for more homework unless I get Mr Wood.This year was great!
I think the amount of homework is ust right, becuse mostly all we have is read 20min, novel study, and math. but if it was novel study, math, read 20min, social studies, science..... that would be going way way to far, because some people have other schools to go to like they have to go and learn math, other language, piano, sports..... and they have no time to go outside and get some fresh air, beacuse they also have home work from their day school and even more homework from their other school.
I feel that the amount of homework that you/Mr.Wood have gave us is at a perfect amount. In the past my other teacher's have gave me next to nothing. In grade 1-3 i had just a bookbag.4-6 I've had a little more, but gr.6 was the most but most reasonable. JOSHUA.B
As we grow and go to different grades our homework gets harder and harder. The homework for this year is not to much or to little. It is a fair amount of homework. I think this homework compared to my other grades is harder because as we grow learn new things and learning new things means that they get harder and harder. If we keep on learning easy things it will be no use. We will not have any knowledege. Some might say homework is no use, but as you do your homework you train yourself to know that subject. For example, if you have a hard time on the spelling unit and you have homwork for spelling that homwork, is training you to know how to spell and be good at it. I think next years homework will not be easy because as I said we get harder work to do as we grow.
I think the home work we are getting right now is what a normal grade 6 student would get last year we use to get math and any thing we didnt complete and sometimes more than that.I think the amount of homework we will get next year is going to be alot than we do now.
i think the amount of homework we get right now is what a normal grade6 student can get . Last year i use to get math and any thing we didnt complete. I think next year we will get alot of homework.
I don't like homework!!!I'm being too tired to do homework!!!Everyday go back home I want to read books better than do homework!Because I hate writting!!!
I like the amount of homework because it the right amount for my grade level and i think I will get more next year.
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